Dr. Yoo has been a general dentist for over ten years. She has been practicing in Woodbridge, Va since 2004. She speaks English and Korean. Her staff also speaks Spanish. She is accepting new patients and participates with a wide variety of PPO plans,Medicaid & military insurance.
Young-A Yoo's Practice provides services in English. Click here to explore available appointments!
Young-A Yoo's Practice sees patients on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri. Find the next available appointment with Young-A Yoo's Practice on Opencare.
Yes, Young-A Yoo's Practice offers teeth whitening services. Learn more about Young-A Yoo's Practice at Opencare or request an appointment.
Yes, Young-A Yoo's Practice offers regular check up and cleaning services. Learn more about Young-A Yoo's Practice at Opencare or request an appointment.