Family Dentist Serving Richardson and Garland, Texas Dr. Mark L. Ethridge, DDS is a comprehensive family dentist who has been serving the Richardson, Garland area for over 10 years. We offer the latest in high quality diagnosis and treatment for patients of all ages. We are always excited about seeing new patients and we would love to meet you and your family!
Mark Ethridge's Practice provides services in English. Click here to explore available appointments!
Mark Ethridge's Practice sees patients on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu. Find the next available appointment with Mark Ethridge's Practice on Opencare.
Yes, Mark Ethridge's Practice offers teeth whitening services. Learn more about Mark Ethridge's Practice at Opencare or request an appointment.
Yes, Mark Ethridge's Practice offers regular check up and cleaning services. Learn more about Mark Ethridge's Practice at Opencare or request an appointment.