Dr. Espinosa is a native to northern California. She earned her dental degree at UCSF and her specialty certificate in pediatric dentistry from USC. She is a board certified pediatric dentist providing dental care for children, adolescents, teenagers, and those with special health care needs from ages 1 to 18 years. Her scope of practice includes preventative care, restorative treatment, and sedation dentistry.
Patrice Espinosa DDS Pediatric Dental Specialist provides services in English, Spanish. Click here to explore available appointments!
Patrice Espinosa DDS Pediatric Dental Specialist sees patients on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu. Find the next available appointment with Patrice Espinosa DDS Pediatric Dental Specialist on Opencare.
Yes, Patrice Espinosa DDS Pediatric Dental Specialist offers teeth whitening services. Learn more about Patrice Espinosa DDS Pediatric Dental Specialist at Opencare or request an appointment.
Yes, Patrice Espinosa DDS Pediatric Dental Specialist offers regular check up and cleaning services. Learn more about Patrice Espinosa DDS Pediatric Dental Specialist at Opencare or request an appointment.