
Dr. Gabriel Levy is a dentist in La Verne, CA. He currently practices at Gold Coast Dental, providing consultations and follow-ups for bad breath, bleeding gums, and braces. As part of his higher education, Dr. Levy completed a doctoral degree in dental surgery from the University of California, Los Angeles. He is deeply passionate about his field and strives to stay updated on its latest advancements and techniques. Dr. Levy welcomes patients and families of all ages, from infants to seniors, ensuring they receive the required treatment. He is unyielding in his commitment to the well-being of his clients and strives to provide them with the best available care.

Education & Certifications
education DDS University of California, Los Angeles
certification Dental Board of California Aug 21, 2021
Frequently asked questions
Where is Dr. Gabriel Levy's office located?

Dr. Gabriel Levy's office is in La Verne, CA.

What services does Dr. Gabriel Levy offer?

Dr. Gabriel Levy offers Braces and Retainers, Bridges and Dentures, Fillings and more. Learn more about Dr. Gabriel Levy's services on Opencare or book your appointment today.

Does Dr. Gabriel Levy accept insurance?

Dr. Gabriel Levy accepts MetLife, Delta Dental, Aetna and more. Enter your insurance details on Opencare to check coverage.

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