Services Offered 8 Services
Bonding Bridges / Dentures Cleaning Crown / Cap Filling Tooth Extraction Veneers Whitening
Bonding , Bridges / Dentures , Cleaning , Crown / Cap , Filling , Tooth Extraction , Veneers , Whitening
A longtime resident of King City, Dr. Jessica Pulla. Having moved to King City as a child, she has developed a fondness for the town and is delighted to have the opportunity to serve the community that she has called home for over 20 years. An honours graduate of York University, Dr. Pulla moved to Montreal to pursue her dental training at McGill University where she graduated top of her class with many awards in recognition of her aptitudes and dedication to her patients. Dr. Pulla returned to the GTA approximately five years ago and has enjoyed practicing family dentistry. She is excited to be back in her hometown of King City and looks forward to serving you and becoming your partner in oral health.
Frequently asked questions
Where is Jessica Paula's office located?
Jessica Paula's office is in King City, ON.
What services does Jessica Paula offer?
Jessica Paula offers Bonding, Bridges / Dentures, Cleaning and more. Learn more about Jessica Paula's services on Opencare or book your appointment today.
Education & Certifications
Services Offered 8 Services
Bonding Bridges / Dentures Cleaning Crown / Cap Filling Tooth Extraction Veneers Whitening
Bonding , Bridges / Dentures , Cleaning , Crown / Cap , Filling , Tooth Extraction , Veneers , Whitening
Most Helpful Reviews (1) Based on 1 review
A little painful but understandable.
Reviewed on December 7th, 2017 • Verified patientPlesent staff great relaxing atmosphere and I would recommend this dentist / office to anyone if they needed a new dentistWas this review helpful?{{ reviews[51873].errors[0] }}