
Specialties We know as a busy parent it is very difficult to have the time to make decisions regarding your child's dental care. We would like to put all your concerns to rest. Our office offers a fun, caring environment where both parent and child will feel welcome and part of our "dental" family. Our doors have been open for business since 1981, and our biggest compliment is seeing our previous patients bring their little ones back to us for dental care. Thank you for visiting our website. On these pages you will find valuable information about us and our services. Whether your child is a new or existing patient, if you have any questions please feel free to contact us today so that we can help you. For pediatric dental care you can trust, come to Ronald W. Fujioka, D.D.S. History Established in 1991. We know as a busy parent it is very difficult to have the time to make decisions regarding your child's dental care. We would like to put all your concerns to rest. Our office offers a fun, caring environment where both parent and child will feel welcome and part of our "dental" family. Our doors have been open for business since 1981, and our biggest compliment is seeing our previous patients bring their little ones back to us for dental care. Thank you for visiting our website. On these pages you will find valuable information about us and our services. Whether your child is a new or existing patient, if you have any questions please feel free to contact us today so that we can help you. For pediatric dental care you can trust, come to Ronald W. Fujioka, D.D.S.

Frequently asked questions
What languages do the doctors at Ronald W. Fujioka's Practice speak?

Ronald W. Fujioka's Practice provides services in English. Click here to explore available appointments!

When can I schedule an appointment with Ronald W. Fujioka's Practice?

Ronald W. Fujioka's Practice sees patients on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri. Find the next available appointment with Ronald W. Fujioka's Practice on Opencare.

Does Ronald W. Fujioka's Practice offer teeth whitening?

Yes, Ronald W. Fujioka's Practice offers teeth whitening services. Learn more about Ronald W. Fujioka's Practice at Opencare or request an appointment.

Does Ronald W. Fujioka's Practice offer check up and cleanings?

Yes, Ronald W. Fujioka's Practice offers regular check up and cleaning services. Learn more about Ronald W. Fujioka's Practice at Opencare or request an appointment.

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