Crawford Orthodontics
499 Furys Ferry Road, Augusta, Georgia 30907About
What makes your practice special when compared with others in the area?
At Crawford Orthodontics, we want to give you a smile that lasts a lifetime! Conveniently located in Martinez, GA, Dr. Crawford and his team are dedicated to providing a fun, comfortable, and personalized orthodontic experience giving you plenty of reasons to smile. Using the latest in digital technology and years of advanced training, your orthodontic care will be custom tailored to serve your individual needs.
What are you and your team proud of at your practice?
Aside from striving to provide the best orthodontic care, we pride ourselves on developing a friendly, caring atmosphere where you are more than a patient, but a member of the Crawford Orthodontic family!
Frequently asked questions
When can I schedule an appointment with Crawford Orthodontics?
Crawford Orthodontics sees patients on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri. Find the next available appointment with Crawford Orthodontics on Opencare.
Is Crawford Orthodontics accepting new patients?
Crawford Orthodontics is not currently accepting new patients through Opencare. Please contact the office directly to book an appointment or use Opencare to book an appointment at a practice near you!
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